原文參考:2.15 Data Types與2.A Data Types
1. 文字類(4)
- 24 ED encapsulated data
- 31 FT formatted text data
- 74 ST string data
- 78 TX text data
2. 編碼類(16)
- 3 CCD charge code and date
- 6 CE coded element
- 7 CF coded element with formatted values
- 8 CNE coded with no exceptions
- 13 CWE coded with exceptions
- 35 ID coded values for HL7 defined tables
- 36 IS coded values for user-defined tables
- 37 JCC job code/class
- 44 MSG message type
- 49 OCD occurrence code and date
- 51 OSP occurrence span code and date
- 58 PTA policy type and amount
- 68 SCV scheduling class value pair
- 69 SI sequence ID
- 79 UVC UB value code and amount
- 81 VID version identifier
3. 統計類(11)
- 1 AD address
- 30 FN family name
- 46 NDL name with date and location
- 53 PL person location
- 55 PPN performing person time stamp
- 67 SAD street address
- 85 XAD extended address
- 86 XCN extended composite ID number and name for name for persons
- 87 XON extended composite name and identification number for organizations
- 88 XPN extended person name
- 89 XTN extended telecommunication number
4. 辨識類(9)
- 2 AUI authorization information
- 9 CNN composite ID number and name simplified
- 14 CX extended compsite ID with check digit
- 18 DLN driver
- 25 EI entity identifier
- 26 EIP entity identifier pair
- 33 HD hierarchic designator
- 54 PLN practitioner license or other Id number
- 65 RP reference pointer
5. 數值類(11)
- 10 CP composite price
- 11 CQ composite quanlity with units
- 40 MA multiplexed array
- 41 MO money
- 42 MOC money and chaege code
- 43 MOP money or percentage
- 45 NA numeric array
- 47 NM numeric
- 48 NR numeric range
- 70 SN structured numeric
- 82 VR value range
6. 時間類(8)
- 20 DR date/time range
- 21 DT date
- 22 DTM date/time
- 23 DTN day type and number
- 32 GTS general timing specification
- 75 TM time
- 76 TQ timing quantity
- 77 TS time stamp
7. 臨床類(11)
- 4 CCP channel calibration parameters
- 5 CD channel definition
- 12 CSU channel sensitivity and units
- 17 DLD discharge to location and date
- 19 DLT delta
- 50 OSD order sequence definition
- 56 PRL parent result link
- 72 SPS specimen source
- 80 VH visiting hours
- 83 WVI channel identifier
- 84 WVS waveform source
8. 其他類(19)
- 15 DDI daily deductible information
- 16 DIN date and institution name
- 27 ELD error location and description
- 28 ERL error location
- 29 FC finacial class
- 34 ICD insurance certification definition
- 38 LA1 location with address variation 1
- 39 LA2 location with address variation 2
- 52 PIP practitioner institutional privileges
- 57 PT proecssing type
- 59 QIP auery input parameter list
- 60 QSC query selection criteria
- 61 RCD row column definition
- 62 RFR refernce range
- 63 RI repeat interval
- 64 RMC room coverage
- 66 RPT repeat pattern
- 71 SPD specialty description
- 73 SRT sort order