Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
N | Element | Text node with attribution Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension | ||
Σ | 0..1 | Individual responsible for the annotation | ||
Reference (Practitioner| Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization) | ||||
string | ||||
Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | When the annotation was made | |
Σ | 1..1 | markdown | The annotation - text content (as markdown) | |
- Annotation.author[x] : [0..1]
- authorReference: Reference(Practitioner, Patient, RelatedPerson, Organization)
- authorString: string
- Annotation.time: dataTime [0..1]
- Annotation.text: markdown [1..1]
注意這個是必要element,而且Data Type是markdown。想學習markdown語法可以參考這兒。
Name Flags Card. Type Description & Constraints

AttachmentIN Element Content in a format defined elsewhere
+ Rule: If the Attachment has data, it SHALL have a contentType
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension

contentTypeΣ 0..1 code Mime type of the content, with charset etc.
MimeType (Required)

languageΣ 0..1 code Human language of the content (BCP-47)
Common Languages (Preferred but limited to AllLanguages)

data0..1 base64Binary Data inline, base64ed

urlΣ 0..1 url Uri where the data can be found

sizeΣ 0..1 unsignedInt Number of bytes of content (if url provided)

hashΣ 0..1 base64Binary Hash of the data (sha-1, base64ed)

titleΣ 0..1 string Label to display in place of the data

creationΣ 0..1 dateTime Date attachment was first created
這個是用來定義附加文件的。文件格式可能是影像、或者如PDF的報告。總之,他支援所有MIME Type。
- Attachment.contentType: code(MimeType) [0..1]
定義這個附加檔的MIME Type。需參考MimeType(Value Set)。
常用的MIME type可以參考這份文件。
- Attachment.language: code(Common Languages) [0..1]
- de German
- el Greek
- en English
- es Spanish
- fi Finnish
- fr French
- it Italian
- ja Japanese
- ko Korean
- nl Dutch
- ru Russian
- sv Swedish
- zh Chinese
- zh-CN Chinese (China)
- zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong)
- zh-SG Chinese (Singapore)
- zh-TW Chinese (Taiwan)
- Attachment.data: base64Binary [0..1]
- Attachment.url: url [0..1]
- Attachment.size: unsignedInt [0..1]
- Attachment.hash: base64Binary [0..1]
- Attachment.title: string [0..1]
- Attachment.creation: dateTime [0..1]
Name Flags Card. Type Description & Constraints

SignatureTU Element A Signature - XML DigSig, JWS, Graphical image of signature, etc.
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension

typeΣ 1..* Coding Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)
Signature Type Codes (Preferred)

whenΣ 1..1 instant When the signature was created

whoΣ 1..1 Reference(Practitioner| PractitionerRole |
RelatedPerson | Patient | Device |
Organization) Who signed

onBehalfOfΣ 0..1 Reference(Practitioner| PractitionerRole |
RelatedPerson | Patient | Device |
Organization) The party represented

targetFormat0..1 code The technical format of the signed resources
MimeType (Required)

sigFormat0..1 code The technical format of the signature
MimeType (Required)

data0..1 base64Binary The actual signature content (XML DigSig. JWS, picture, etc.)
原則上,有目錄的Data Types都接觸到了。
- authorReference: Reference(Practitioner, Patient, RelatedPerson, Organization)
- authorString: string
- Annotation.time: dataTime [0..1]
- Annotation.text: markdown [1..1]
注意這個是必要element,而且Data Type是markdown。想學習markdown語法可以參考這兒。
Name Flags Card. Type Description & Constraints

AttachmentIN Element Content in a format defined elsewhere
+ Rule: If the Attachment has data, it SHALL have a contentType
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension

contentTypeΣ 0..1 code Mime type of the content, with charset etc.
MimeType (Required)

languageΣ 0..1 code Human language of the content (BCP-47)
Common Languages (Preferred but limited to AllLanguages)

data0..1 base64Binary Data inline, base64ed

urlΣ 0..1 url Uri where the data can be found

sizeΣ 0..1 unsignedInt Number of bytes of content (if url provided)

hashΣ 0..1 base64Binary Hash of the data (sha-1, base64ed)

titleΣ 0..1 string Label to display in place of the data

creationΣ 0..1 dateTime Date attachment was first created
這個是用來定義附加文件的。文件格式可能是影像、或者如PDF的報告。總之,他支援所有MIME Type。
- Attachment.contentType: code(MimeType) [0..1]
定義這個附加檔的MIME Type。需參考MimeType(Value Set)。
常用的MIME type可以參考這份文件。
- Attachment.language: code(Common Languages) [0..1]
- de German
- el Greek
- en English
- es Spanish
- fi Finnish
- fr French
- it Italian
- ja Japanese
- ko Korean
- nl Dutch
- ru Russian
- sv Swedish
- zh Chinese
- zh-CN Chinese (China)
- zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong)
- zh-SG Chinese (Singapore)
- zh-TW Chinese (Taiwan)
- Attachment.data: base64Binary [0..1]
- Attachment.url: url [0..1]
- Attachment.size: unsignedInt [0..1]
- Attachment.hash: base64Binary [0..1]
- Attachment.title: string [0..1]
- Attachment.creation: dateTime [0..1]
Name Flags Card. Type Description & Constraints

SignatureTU Element A Signature - XML DigSig, JWS, Graphical image of signature, etc.
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension

typeΣ 1..* Coding Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)
Signature Type Codes (Preferred)

whenΣ 1..1 instant When the signature was created

whoΣ 1..1 Reference(Practitioner| PractitionerRole |
RelatedPerson | Patient | Device |
Organization) Who signed

onBehalfOfΣ 0..1 Reference(Practitioner| PractitionerRole |
RelatedPerson | Patient | Device |
Organization) The party represented

targetFormat0..1 code The technical format of the signed resources
MimeType (Required)

sigFormat0..1 code The technical format of the signature
MimeType (Required)

data0..1 base64Binary The actual signature content (XML DigSig. JWS, picture, etc.)
原則上,有目錄的Data Types都接觸到了。
- Annotation.text: markdown [1..1]
注意這個是必要element,而且Data Type是markdown。想學習markdown語法可以參考這兒。
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
IN | Element | Content in a format defined elsewhere + Rule: If the Attachment has data, it SHALL have a contentType Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension | ||
Σ | 0..1 | code | Mime type of the content, with charset etc. MimeType (Required) | |
Σ | 0..1 | code | Human language of the content (BCP-47) Common Languages (Preferred but limited to AllLanguages) | |
0..1 | base64Binary | Data inline, base64ed | ||
Σ | 0..1 | url | Uri where the data can be found | |
Σ | 0..1 | unsignedInt | Number of bytes of content (if url provided) | |
Σ | 0..1 | base64Binary | Hash of the data (sha-1, base64ed) | |
Σ | 0..1 | string | Label to display in place of the data | |
Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | Date attachment was first created | |
- Attachment.contentType: code(MimeType) [0..1]
定義這個附加檔的MIME Type。需參考MimeType(Value Set)。
常用的MIME type可以參考這份文件。
- Attachment.language: code(Common Languages) [0..1]
- de German
- el Greek
- en English
- es Spanish
- fi Finnish
- fr French
- it Italian
- ja Japanese
- ko Korean
- nl Dutch
- ru Russian
- sv Swedish
- zh Chinese
- zh-CN Chinese (China)
- zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong)
- zh-SG Chinese (Singapore)
- zh-TW Chinese (Taiwan)
- Attachment.data: base64Binary [0..1]
- Attachment.url: url [0..1]
- Attachment.size: unsignedInt [0..1]
- Attachment.hash: base64Binary [0..1]
- Attachment.title: string [0..1]
- Attachment.creation: dateTime [0..1]
- de German
- el Greek
- en English
- es Spanish
- fi Finnish
- fr French
- it Italian
- ja Japanese
- ko Korean
- nl Dutch
- ru Russian
- sv Swedish
- zh Chinese
- zh-CN Chinese (China)
- zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong)
- zh-SG Chinese (Singapore)
- zh-TW Chinese (Taiwan)
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
TU | Element | A Signature - XML DigSig, JWS, Graphical image of signature, etc. Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension | ||
Σ | 1..* | Coding | Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s) Signature Type Codes (Preferred) | |
Σ | 1..1 | instant | When the signature was created | |
Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner| PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Patient | Device | Organization) | Who signed | |
Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner| PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Patient | Device | Organization) | The party represented | |
0..1 | code | The technical format of the signed resources MimeType (Required) | ||
0..1 | code | The technical format of the signature MimeType (Required) | ||
0..1 | base64Binary | The actual signature content (XML DigSig. JWS, picture, etc.) | ||
原則上,有目錄的Data Types都接觸到了。